As part of the 2021 schedule of nctm e l’arte, the series of talks dedicated to the topic of healthcare and the right to individual and collective health as well as to the search for well-being as a daily and positive way of life will continue throughout January and February
The first talk will see Pasquale Campanella, artist and founder of Wurmkos, in conversation with Riccardo Mondo, psychologist and analyst, psychotherapist and essayist.
The talk will start by considering the importance of the physical and immaterial, natural and artificial context that surrounds the individual.
“Il modo in cui immaginiamo i nostri spazi riabilitativi, progettiamo i loro scopi e i loro valori, e il loro senso di percezione estetica contribuisce a definire l’identità di ogni individuo, paziente e/o operatore” (“The way we imagine our rehabilitation spaces, design their purposes and values, and their sense of aesthetic perception helps define the identity of each individual, patient and/or caregiver”, R. Mondo, Babele, No 26, 2004).
This is indeed the concept that Riccardo Mondo has worked out theoretically and that Pasquale Campanella has made his own in the artistic practice of Wurmkos, a group born in 1987 from the meeting of different subjects.
Therefore, starting from the assumption that well-being also comes through the rehabilitation and care of one’s own vital environment, questions will be posed involving, among other things, the idea of beauty. The importance of taking care of healthcare places will be stressed. The territory is construed as a high-complexity living system.
Wurmkos involves people with psychological distress and not, artists, critics and creative people whose works, collective in nature, reflect laboratory-based working and planning dynamics and aesthetic and relational experience. Wurmkos’ experiences include projects like Abitare (2000–2004) and Belli dentro, curare i luoghi con cura (2015–2016), in which an artistic process of personalizing the common areas of health institutions allowed those who lived there to give shape to a place in which to express themselves, reflect themselves, affirm their identity.
Riccardo Mondo is an individual and group analyst and psychologist who especially deals with the developments of archetypal psychology in group analysis, which he practices along with individual analysis. He lives and works in Catania.