
Atelier dell’Errore

Totem, a glittering diptych made of gold leaf, is one of the works in the Zoo-Prototipi series, created by Atelier dell’Errore from that telluric energy that has driven the group to work and tell its story for over twenty years.

Atelier dell’Errore is a visual arts workshop developed by artist Luca Santiago Mora in 2002 for the Children Neuropsychiatric Department of the Reggio Emilia Local Health Authority. Established as Atelier dell’Errore onlus in 2011, the project moved to Bergamo with the youngsters who came of age, and was finally hosted as a work in progress within Collezione Maramotti in Reggio Emilia. The project was established as a social enterprise named AdE BIG scs to work professionally in visual arts.

The pictorial language that Atelier dell’Errore has developed over almost twenty years is rich and composite. It encompasses signs and words. Recently, the group has also experimented with dramaturgy. Made of research and immediacy at the same time, it does not involve executive drawings. The works are realised through obstinate work, constantly evolving, but always rigorous to the point of virtuosity; and although they are the result of work by many hands – because Atelier dell’Errore is structured as a true community – each one is an expression of uncompromising individuality.

In the last two years, AdE has chosen gold and red as its favourite colours, capable of expressing an energy that is at once dazzling light, alarm, explosion.

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  • 30 August 2022